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Integral PM Consulting - When the surgeon immediately brings the operating room

Collaboration and communication make electronic tools essential

Many projects fail due to a lack of communication, a lack of common vision, or lack of transparency. Uncoordinated planning, efficient processing and lack of controlling are further stumbling blocks. To meet these challenges, there are more or less integral and open project management solutions. You therefore need a platform to effectively, efficiently and transparently lead projects to success. However, providing such a platform is not always easy for our customers. There are two types here:

  1. Either the customer does not have an electronic platform for project management...
  2. ... or access and subscription processes for internal and external employees/stakeholders or service providers are complex or impossible to implement.

The consequences are clear:

  • Onboarding processes are expensive (clients, training, etc.).
  • You cannot develop, review and file joint documents.
  • Any planning processes are held in silos or are cumbersome.
  • Calculation tables are “misused” for any task tracking and processing planning.
  • Specialized software is dispensed with due to temporary requirements.
  • Any project execution is handled differently over and over again.
  • Information is lost due to a lack of central availability.

In other words: ineffective, inefficient and opaque.

As a project manager or specialist, an external consultant can only counteract this problem to a limited extent. But...

Provision of modern project management tools appropriate to the situation

Due to the combined business model of the linkyard group of companies, we not only have competent consultants but also the necessary skills and infrastructure to provide project management tools. In this way, we ensure a central single source of truth for the project and enable simple and transparent collaboration between all internal and external project participants, regardless of their geographical locations. When so many projects are problematic due to a lack of platforms, it is a huge added value for our customers when our consultants can also provide the Confluence/Jira platform in their mandates.

That's why we have the service PM Consulting+ launched. We provide our consulting customers with a fully functional project management platform (Jira/Confluence) during the mandate. In addition, we have standards for common agile and classic project management, such as HERMES, Scrum or SAFe via prepared templates, structures and tools. As an analogy, the statement of a doctor would probably apply: “The surgeon will also bring the operating room with him.”

Effective collaboration in projects ensured

If linkyard consultants are involved in projects, we can thus quickly and easily ensure electronic collaboration and communication appropriate to the situation in addition to the customer's existing tools.

  • Attractive deployment and operating costs for electronic project tools
  • Ramp-up of a project including a project platform within one day
  • Accesses possible for any internal and external stakeholders
  • A single source of truth for all artifacts in the project
  • Joint development and review of artifacts
  • Central documentation
  • Centralized task management
  • High level of information security thanks to linkyard's information security management system, which is regularly audited and systematically documented in accordance with ISO 27001:2013.
  • Data transfer (export, migration) at end of mandate


About the author

Marcel is CEO of linkyard consulting ag. Due to previous duties as a member of the management board, department head, mandate and project manager in the last 20 years, Marcel can draw on a wide range of know-how in the areas of ICT, strategy and innovation as well as organizational development. He keeps his knowledge in the areas of digitalization, business model innovation and agile organizational forms up to date as a university lecturer for strategy and innovation as well as an audit expert.
marcel.hostettler@linkyard.ch | +41 79 529 90 79