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Confluence Essentials (Cloud)

Covers key concepts such as navigation, organizing spaces, creating content, and collaboration.
Confluence Essentials (Cloud)
Zur Anmeldung

Was du lernen wirst

This webinar is aimed at all new employees in an organization who are using Confluence in their day-to-day work and would like to get an insight into the basics.

The following topics were discussed together:

  • introduction
  • Basic concepts - editor and macros
  • Organizing areas - creating content
  • Managing notifications

In addition, the training should provide space for clarifying questions.

The language for this training is German, the duration is limited to 60' and an unlimited number of participants can participate.

Repetition: this format is offered four times per calendar year.


CHF 100.- per participant, free of charge for customers


Vanda Mäder
Valentina Benedetto

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"ein kompaktes, massgeschneidertes und interaktives Training über alle Kernkonzepte "

Niklaus Hählen
Produktmanager & Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung

"präzise, effiziente und schnelle Umsetzung mit grosser Expertise"

Magali Stritzelberger,
Senior Payroll Consultant